• Barcelona


Best Practices in Communication and Relational Skills


Leaders today are expected to have a wide range of skills – technical, operational and relational. This Best Practices in Communication and Relational Skills training course focuses on developing the communication competencies that allow them to lead and motivate others. It helps leaders become great communicators who know how to win respect, understanding and commitment.

Leading people – the relational side of management – is as important as task-based skills. Communication is the critical competency that underpins relationships, both for keeping team members up-to-date and for winning the support of key stakeholders.

During this EuroMaTech training course participants will develop the following competencies:

  • Listening to and understanding others
  • Building relationships with and between others based on trust and respect
  • Conveying team/business unit strategy by setting goals, planning and prioritizing
  • Explaining the bigger picture and where their team/project fits within the overall aims of the business unit and organisation
  • Creating a collaborative environment where team members support and encourage each other 


This training course aims to enable participants to build high achieving teams where people feel valued by:

  • Showing they are listening to and respecting others
  • Clarifying objectives and expectations and providing support as individuals seek to attain them
  • Developing a collaborative team culture where people work together to achieve goals and overcome challenges
  • Ensuring everyone contributes to discussions and all points of view are heard before making decisions that are then supported by the team
  • Using presentations to win recognition for team achievements and support for goals


  • People who supervise others and wish to improve their relational skills
  • People who lead teams and wish to do so more effectively
  • People who have been identified as having potential for leadership roles
  • Executives who want to develop their capabilities in motivating and inspiring people



This interactive Communication and Relational Skills training course has lots of opportunities for participants to put into practice the skills they develop and enhance during the training course. We make the most of role-playing, questionnaires, syndicate work, case studies and video examples.

We will spend lots of time working one-on-one and in small groups to resolve the challenges participants face. They will leave with new ideas and skills they can implement immediately they step back into their teams. 

This interactive training course includes the following training methodologies as a percentage of the total tuition hours:

  • 30% Lectures, Concepts, Role Play
  • 30% Workshops & Work Presentations, Techniques
  • 20% Based on Case Studies & Practical Exercises
  • 20% Videos, Software & General Discussions
  • Pre and Post Test



DAY 1  Welcome & introductions; Sharpening up Active Listening; Giving Feedback

  • Paying attention to words and body language
  • Controlling ourselves so we can learn from others
  • Asking good questions and listening to answers
  • Checking understanding and reframing
  • Finding time-out space for one2one feedback
  • Keeping feedback timely and motivating

DAY 2   Building Relationships Based on Trust; Creating Respect for Others; Enabling Collaboration

  • Building truthfulness, responsiveness, consistency, loyalty and capabilities
  • Encouraging openness and willingness to share ideas and information
  • Developing a collaborative culture within our team
  • Rewarding accountability and collaboration
  • Developing a collaborative mindset
  • Creating a cohesive team with mutual respect

DAY 3   Conveying the Organisation’s Vision; Setting Clear Priorities; Motivating & Persuading

  • Creating a sense of urgency and purpose that motivates people
  • Creating ownership so the vision is shared and empowering
  • Clarifying deadlines and expected performance standards
  • Checking understanding and gaining agreement
  • Keeping people committed to the team
  • Giving opportunities to succeed

DAY 4   Facilitating Discussion & Debate; Win-Win Negotiations; Managing Effective Meetings

  • Paying attention to diverse personalities and undercurrents
  • Ensuring everyone contributes
  • Focussing on positive outcomes for all parties
  • Aiming for commitment, not just agreement
  • Key responsibilities of the meeting chair
  • Maintaining interest and participation during meetings

DAY 5   Giving Presentations; Action Planning

  • Structuring presentations so key points are understood and remembered
  • How to include a call to action that leads to change
  • A positive image: body language, dress code and voice
  • Building rapport with the audience
  • Avoiding pitfalls: stage fright, hostile questions, yawning and other problems
  • Developing a personal action plan


A Certificate of Completion will be issued to those who attend & successfully complete the programme.


  08:30 – 10:15 First Session

 10:15 – 10:30 Coffee Break

10:30 – 12:15 Second Session

 12:15 – 12:30 Coffee Break

12:30 – 14:00 Third Session

 14:00 – 15:00 Lunch



 The Fee for the seminar, including instruction materials, documentation, lunch, coffee/tea breaks & snack is:

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