Construction HSE Hazards



May 07- May 11 \ 2023       : Amman

May  21 – May 25  \ 2023    :  Kuwait



Ü This IACT course is designed to give participants the necessary skills and knowledge and awareness of the nature and types of hazardous activities, safeguards and controls that should be in place in major facilities, construction sites or yards such as modules and platforms, and onshore petrochemical plant are fabricated and constructed involve activities with high hazards such as working at height, confined space entry, rigging and lifting, hot work  to name but a few. Moreover these and other hazards vary in nature and scale and in the ways they are performed and controlled according to the respective construction site’s specific standards and practices.

Therefore, for personnel mobilized to and temporarily working in these sites, it is important that they have a sound knowledge and awareness of the hazards and essential safeguards and controls to ensure they can not only stay safe but help those around them to stay safe too. This applies both to seasoned field personnel who from time to time move to different sites and to personnel with minimal previous construction site experience.

This training course on Construction HSE Hazards will give or expand delegates’ awareness and knowledge of the nature and types of hazardous activities, safeguards and controls that should be in place in major facilities construction sites or yards.



Participants attending the training seminar will:

Ü Improve and enhance their understanding of hazardous work activities in construction sites

Ü Learn the essential controls and safeguards for each specific hazardous work activity

Ü Learn the principles for the safe control of work

Ü Understand safety program initiatives and examples

By the end of this Construction HSE Hazards training course, delegates will learn to:

Ü Be conversant with the essential controls and safeguards to be applied for hazardous work

Ü Recognize unsafe acts or conditions in construction work activities and be pro-active in their correction

Ü Promote and actively participate in safety programs at construction sites


Who Should Attend?

Þ This IACT training course on Construction HSE Hazards is directed towards staff within an organization that are mobilized to, or frequent visitors to an operator’s or contractor’s construction or fabrication site or yard.

Þ This IACT training course is suitable for a wide range of professionals across an organization, but will be particularly beneficial to:

Þ Construction Supervisory or Inspection Personnel

Þ Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality

Þ Operations and Projects Managers, Leaders and Supervisors

Þ Field Engineers, Surveyors or Inspectors

Þ Support Department Personnel including but not limited to, Engineering,

Procurement, Contracting, Controls, Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality

Þ Commissioning Personnel


Course Methodology

The course uses self-assessments and a wide mix of business cases that promote healthy discussions around the importance of managing multiple tasks, deadlines and priorities. Participants will benefit from role plays covering workplace challenges related to handling tasks, deadlines and priorities. They will learn how to deal with conflicts that may arise as a result. Interactive team exercises are also used with each team presenting their findings and comments.  


This interactive training course includes the following training methodologies as a percentage of the total tuition hours:

  • 30% Lectures, Concepts, Role Play
  • 30% Workshops & Work Presentations, Techniques
  • 20% Based on Case Studies & Practical Exercises
  • 20% Videos, Software & General Discussions

Pre and Post Test



DAY 1:

Overview of Construction Hazards & Risks

Þ Hazard Awareness

Þ Site Inductions

Þ Unsafe Acts and Unsafe Conditions

Þ Top Ten Hazards


DAY 2 :

Hazardous Work Activities & Controls

Þ Working at Height and Fall Prevention

Þ Hot Work

Þ Rigging and Lifting

Þ Hand and Power Tools

Þ Heat Stress


DAY 3 : 

 Hazardous Work Activities & Controls (Continued)

Þ Confined Space Entry

Þ Mobile Equipment

Þ Nitrogen

Þ Pressure Testing

Þ Energy Isolation


DAY 4 :

Control of Work

Job Safety Analysis

Permit to Work



Emergency Response



Safety Programs

Þ Observations and Interventions

Þ Hazard Communication

Þ Tool Box Talks

Þ Management Walkabouts

Þ Campaigns and Initiatives




08:30 – 10:15 First Session

10:15 – 10:30 Coffee Break

10:30 – 12:15 Second Session

12:15 – 12:30 Coffee Break

12:30 – 14:00 Third Session



The Fee for the seminar, including instruction materials, documentation, lunch, coffee/tea breaks & snack is: 3.750 USD$