Fundamental of Supervising Customer Service Operation

September 04 – September 08 \ 2022: Kuwait

September 18 – September 22 \ 2022 : Kuwait   

October 02 – October 06 \ 2022  : Kuwait          

October 16 – October 20 \ 2022    : Kuwait        

October 30 – November 03 \ 2022   : Kuwait

November 06 – November 10 \ 2022 : Kuwait  



        Be more effective in your entry-level or supervisory roles in customer service and order management! This course prepares learners for all aspects of customer service operations. Gain a solid understanding of the role of customer service within an organization’s overall supply chain. Discover the key elements of customer service, including the order management process, customer relationship management, management of challenging customers, effective customer communications, returns and reverse logistics, and performance metrics.


What You Will Learn

Ü Order management cycle and process

Ü Effective customer service

Ü Customer returns process and metrics

Ü Customer relationship management

Ü Service performance measurements

Ü Key steps in the customer lifecycle



At this program's conclusion, participants should be able to:

Þ  Gain a solid understanding of customer service, customer relationship management, and returns management principles, flows, technologies, goals, and metrics.

Þ Know how to identify, appreciate, and relate to challenging customers in typical business settings through great customer service.

Þ Identify and describe various communication methods and their characteristics.

Þ Recognize the key barriers to effective communication and how to overcome them.

Þ Learn regulatory concerns in customer service operations.

Who should attend this Course?

This IACT training course is suitable for:


Ü This course is designed for customer service and order management, and distribution center administrators, clerks, analysts, supervisors, managers, and learners seeking to enter these roles. Supply chain professionals from other domains will also benefit through gaining insights into customer service operations.


Course Methodology

The course uses self-assessments and a wide mix of business cases that promote healthy discussions around the importance of managing multiple tasks, deadlines and priorities. Participants will benefit from role plays covering workplace challenges related to handling tasks, deadlines and priorities. They will learn how to deal with conflicts that may arise as a result. Interactive team exercises are also used with each team presenting their findings and comments.  


This interactive training course includes the following training methodologies as a percentage of the total tuition hours:

  • 30% Lectures, Concepts, Role Play
  • 30% Workshops & Work Presentations, Techniques
  • 20% Based on Case Studies & Practical Exercises
  • 20% Videos, Software & General Discussions

Pre and Post Test



DAY 1:

Join our community!

Þ What to expect when your customers are expecting

Þ Why do bad customer services happen?

Þ Why does bad service happen

Þ The big picture: understand the references behind the framework

Þ TOOL: The Attention and Care Framework

Þ INSTRUCTION: putting your personas into the framework

Þ I want to know you a little bit!



What is customer service

Þ The role of customer service agent

Þ What's customer success and the difference

Þ How to provide SERVICE to your customers

Þ SERVICE framework

Þ TOOL: SERVICE self-assessment

Þ INSTRUCTION: how to use your SERVICE self-assessment

Þ The big picture: understand the references behind the framework

Þ Self-assessing your SERVICE

Þ Module assessment


DAY 3: 

Satisfy what your customer need

Þ What every customer needs

Þ Personas: types of customers

Þ EXERCISE: who are your personas?

Þ How to use your persona to improve your service

Þ The Customer Need Slope: design your service

Þ TOOL: The Customer Need Slope

Þ INSTRUCTION: identify your customers' struggles and emotions

Þ Module assessment

Þ Customer interaction cycle

Þ What do you want from your customers?

Þ Moment of Truth: How to identify the most decisive points

Þ Customer Road to Success: creating the decisive moments

Þ EXERCISE: What are your moments of truth?

Þ The big picture: understand the references

Þ TOOL: Customer Road to Success

Þ INSTRUCTION: paving the road to your success

Þ Module assessment


DAY 4 :

It's all about communication

Þ The elements of an assertive communication

Þ Channel preferences amongst customers

Þ The big picture: understand the references

Þ Communication with customers

Þ Key points of  offline /online communication

Þ Voice : DIFINING your style

Þ What's voice and tone

Þ Problems with current methods

Þ The EPPIC puzzle

Þ Finding your energy

Þ How do you position yourself?


DAY 5  :

Improving your skills

Þ How to define your skills

Þ Remember what customer service is all about

Þ How to assess your skills

Þ Skill Scale: how to measure skills and behaviours

Þ TOOL: Skill Rule Creation Exercise

Þ INSTRUCTION: How to create your own skill scales

Þ Why do customers complain

Þ How to deal with unhappy and angry customers

Þ Emotional intelligence in customer service

Þ When it's best to say no

Þ Make an angry customer LEAP to your side

Þ LAY the ground with angry customers

Þ 3 steps to LAY the ground

Þ What makes a consistent service

Þ The anatomy of a choreography

Þ The 3 Commandments of Choreography

Þ What's a rehearsal and how to conduct one

Þ TOOL: Choreography Canvas

Þ INSTRUCTION: How to train your team for consistency

Þ Customer Services softwares

Þ The big picture: Understand the references



The Fee for the seminar, including instruction materials, documentation, lunch, coffee/tea breaks & snack is:

 3,750 USD$




08:30 – 10:15 First Session

10:15 – 10:30 Coffee Break

10:30 – 12:15 Second Session

12:15 – 12:30 Coffee Break

12:30 – 14:00 Third Session