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September 08 – September 12\ 2024 : Kuwait

September 16 – September 20\ 2024 : Dubai

October 06– October 10 \2024: Dubai

November 10—November 14\2024 \ Dubai



من الأخطاء الشائعة التي يقع فيها مديرو الموارد البشرية، التركيز على الوفاء بالإحتياجات من العمالة في الأجل القصير، أكثر من العمالة في الأجل الطويل،

فهذا المدخل غير الإستراتيجي يجعل المنظمة تواجه مفاجآت مؤلمة في توفير العمالة من حيث العدد والخصائص، ويجعل مدير إدارة الموارد البشرية مضطراً

للتعامل مع مجموعة من الأزمات المتتالية، وهو مدخل غير فعال يجعل المنظمة تتصرف بالإعتماد على أسلوب رد الفعل، وهذا البرنامج ما هو إلا محاولة لتقديم

إستراتيجية متقدمة نابعة من الإتجاهات الحديثة لعمليات الإختيار والتوظيف والإستقطاب، وعرض لنظم إنشاء لائحة العقوبات والجزاءات التأديبية.


اهداف البرنامج


عند نهاية برنامج الدورة سيكون المشاركين فيها قد تعرفوا على:



Ü تطوير الموارد البشرية من خلال الإهتمام بالأساليب الحديثة لعمليات الإختيار والتعيين والتوظيف.

Ü التعرف على أحدث آليات وسائل عمل الموارد البشرية والتعرف على أفضل الممارسات في تقييم وتقويم الأداء.

Ü تغيير إتجاهاتهم نحو فعالية الأداء وكفاءة التفكير.

Ü تصميم القواعد الأساسية والرئيسية للائحة العقوبات والحزاءات بصورة فعالة.

Ü إعداد خطط التميز في أداء إدارة الموارد البشرية بما يتناسب مع معايير الجودة الشاملة


الفئات المستهدفة

Ü المدراء ورؤساء الأقسام.

Ü موظفو إدارة الموارد البشرية.

Ü المهتمون بشؤون التدريب والتوظيف.

Ü الشؤون القانونية والتحقيقات.

Ü كل من يرغب بتطوير مهاراته وخبراته ويرى الحاجة إلى هذه الدورة.


منهجية التدريب

يعمل المشاركون على رفع الكفاءات من خلال مجموعة متنوعة من الطرق التعليمية التي تشمل محاضرة يلقيها ممارس واستشاري ذوا خبرة  وتمارين  إضافة إلى

Ü حلقات النقاش.

Ü العصف الذهني.

Ü مجموعات عمل.

Ü تبادل أدوار.

Ü حالات عملية وتطبيقية.

Ü العرض

التكاليف المالية


التكاليف الخاصة بالدورة و تشمل : المحاضرات العملية ، الغداء ، استراحة شاي وقهوة ووجبة خفيفة :



المحاور العلمية

اليوم 1

 تخطيط الموارد البشرية:

Ü الهيكل التنظيمي الحديث لبيانات تخطيط الموارد البشرية.

Ü الأساليب المتقدمة في التنبؤ بالإحتياجات من العمالة.

Ü الإطار المتكامل لتخطيط الموارد البشرية.

اليوم 2

 الأسس المتقدمة في الإختيار والتوظيف

Ü الأسس الموضوعية لتحديد عمليات الإختيار والتوظيف.

Ü المراحل الأساسية لعمليات الإختيار والتوظيف.

Ü المعايير الحديثة الواجبة في عمليات الإختيار والتوظيف.

Ü الأهمية العملية والعلمية لتحليل الوظائف في عمليات التعيين والتوظيف.

Ü طرق إعداد ومراجعة الوصف الوظيفي والمهارات اللازمة لشغل الوظائف والإختيار.

Ü الأليات الحديثة لعمليات الإختيار والتوظيف والإستقطاب.

اليوم 3

 خطط الاستقطاب:

Ü تحديد الاحتياجات

Ü التخطيط للمراحل المختلفة

Ü أدوار مدراء التعيين وموظفو الاستقطاب

Ü مصادر الاستقطاب الداخلية

Ü مصادر الاستقطاب الخارجية

Ü توجهات عملية الاستقطاب في الشرق الأوسط

اليوم 4   

  التعويضات المالية والنظم التأديبية:

الأساليب التقليدية لتقييم الوظائف وتحديد الأجور.

الطرق الحديثة الإحصائية الفعالة لعمليات تقييم الوظائف وتحديد الأجور.

المعايير والمؤشرات المتقدمة اللازم توافرها في تنظيم لائحة العقوبات والجزاءات.

النظرة القانونية الحديثة لنظم العقوبات والجزاءات (النظم التأديبية).

الإطار المتكامل لأسس ومعايير النظم التأديبية.

اليوم 5                                           

الإستراتيجيات المتقدمة لإنهاء الخدمة:

Ü الأسباب الرئيسية والمختلفة لإنهاء الخدمة.

Ü الطرق الحديثة للتعامل مع عملية إنهاء الخدمة.

Ü معايير الجودة ونظم الأيزو في تحديد أساليب إنهاء الخدمة.

Ü الصيغة النهائية المتكاملة لعمليات إنهاء الخدمة.



08:30 – 10:15 First Session

10:15 – 10:30 Coffee Break

10:30 – 12:15 Second Session

12:15 – 12:30 Coffee Break

12:30 – 14:00 Third Session


September 13—September17 \ 2024: Amman

September 22—September26\ 2024: Amman



     There has never been a more urgent need for organisations to convert to digital than now. In line with the evolving business landscape, a company’s ability to embrace and accelerate digital transformation will ultimately determine its success or premature demise. 66% of business leaders state that if they do not digitise more, this year, they will no longer be competitive. The theory is simple: Go Digital or Go Home!

The course is packed with case studies and critical insights into the use of digital technologies and is delivered by a world-class trainer.

Master the skills you need to develop a high-impact digital HR strategy. This Digital HR and the Future of Work course helps you understand the impact of digital transformation on HR's work and ability to innovate. Enroll now and start creating a digital HR strategy to improve employee experience and ensure the continued success of your HR department.



Participants attending the training seminar will:

Þ Discover how you can use Digital HR to boost innovation, efficiency, and performance

Þ Balance digital efficiency with existing HR practices to improve employee engagement and retention

Þ Understand the role of digital HR in creating a better employee experience and improving HR service delivery

Þ Use the Global Digital HR Benchmark to measure your organization’s digital maturity against your peers

Þ Attain skills required for building a sustainable digital strategy for HR

Þ Elevate your job prospects with this Digital Transformation in HR Training

Þ Understand how to achieve excellence through Digital Transformation in HR

Þ and grievances

Þ Handle change effectively


Who Should Attend?


The IACT Digital Transformation in HR Course is designed for professionals in the Human Resources field who want to understand and navigate the impact of digital technologies and strategies on HR practices and processes. This HR Course will benefit the following professionals:

HR Professionals

HR Managers

Talent Acquisition Specialists

Learning and Development Specialists


Course Methodology

The course uses self-assessments and a wide mix of business cases that promote healthy discussions around the importance of managing multiple tasks, deadlines and priorities. Participants will benefit from role plays covering workplace challenges related to handling tasks, deadlines and priorities. They will learn how to deal with conflicts that may arise as a result. Interactive team exercises are also used with each team presenting their findings and comments.  

Each module covers different aspects of using Game-Based Learning and Gamification in education. Coursework will incorporate

your existing knowledge and experience and provide helpful learning environment with a good mix of theoretical and practical knowledge. On all outlines will apply Skills for Game-Based Learning and Gamification and practiced in hands-on, collaborative way within an international group setting.

This interactive training course includes the following training methodologies as a percentage of the total tuition hours:

  • 30% Lectures, Concepts, Role Play
  • 30% Workshops & Work Presentations, Techniques
  • 20% Based on Case Studies & Practical Exercises
  • 20% Videos, Software & General Discussions

Pre and Post Test



DAY 1: 

Growing the Digital Economy Alongside Disruptions

Þ Overview of the Digital Economy and the New Industrial Age

Þ Objectives  

Þ Disruptions Across Industries and Functions

Þ Impact on Future Work models and the Workforce

Need and Having the Right Mindset

Þ Fast-Changing Uncertain World

Þ What Does Transformation Mean?

Þ Growth Mindsets in the Digital Age

Þ Why We Need to Adapt or Die

Þ  Understanding Motivation

Þ Physiological needs

Þ Psychological needs

Þ Sociological needs


DAY 2 : 

Game Changers: Culture, Data and Strategy


Þ Transformation Starts with a Change in Culture

Þ Data-Driven Transformation with Analytics

Þ Building a Sustainable Agile Digital Strategy for HR

Value Prepositions


Þ Multidimensional Operating Models

Þ Enabling Sensible Business Efficiency and Value

Þ Achieving Effective Functional Excellence

DAY 3 :

Demand for the Human-Centric Experience


Þ Forgetting the Human in Human Resources

Þ Focusing on Inspiring Employee Moments and Experiences

Þ Designing Future Workplaces

Þ Importance of Relationships and Wellbeing Programmes

Evolving the future of work, jobs and the workforce


Þ Basis for the Future of Work and the Need for Adaptive Working

Þ Impact of the Gig Economy and the Next Generation in Jobs

Þ Preparing HR for the Future of Work, Jobs and Workforce

DAY 4 :

Ongoing Augmentation, Reskilling and Collaboration


Þ Rise of Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Augmentation

Þ Reskilling Imperative and Solutions for the Organisation

Þ Human and Machine Collaboration

Þ Ethics, Protection, Risks and Humanity

Recreating the Organisation as a Living Organism


Þ Evolution of Modern Organisation and Movements

Þ Transforming an Organisation from a Machine to a Living System

Þ Enabling a Responsive and Sustainable Organisation




Driven by Innovation and Led by People


Þ Unlocking New Values with Innovation

Þ Establishing the Innovation Culture

Sustainable Evolution and a Fairer Society


Þ Caring for Sustainable Development and Creating a Fairer Society

Þ Growing Ecosystems and Social Capital

Þ Community-Driven Learning in Organisation



The Fee for the seminar, including instruction materials, documentation, lunch, coffee/tea breaks & snack is:

4.250 USD$



08:30 – 10:15 First Session

10:15 – 10:30 Coffee Break

10:30 – 12:15 Second Session

12:15 – 12:30 Coffee Break

12:30 – 14:00 Third Session



September 17 – September 21 \ 2023  : Dubai  

October 21– October 25 \ 2023           : Kuwait        

November 05– November 09 \ 2023    : Dubai  

November 05– November 09 \ 2023   : Amman



HR professionals in today's organizations are more than technical or subject matter experts. They are counselors, communicators, presenters, and problem solvers. This course is a logical continuation of the development made in our 'Interpersonal Skills for HR Professionals' course.  Although the course complements the competencies developed in the first course, it will be of significant value even if taken on its own.

What you'll learn

Þ What is Human Resource Management (HRM) and the Scope of Human Resource Management, the Processes in HRM and Role of HRM

Þ Learn the Hiring, Training and Development, Performance Management, Motivation, ER, HR Operation, Policy and Compensation Retention Strategies followed by Organizations

Þ Learn about the Skills required for HR Professionals with case studies, quizzes, assignments and Course works.

Þ Learn Strategic Human Resource Management, Leadership Development and Organizational Development

Þ This training will be useful if your job involves advising, managing and improving the HR processes even if you are not a HR Professional.

Þ Discover how to become far more self-aware in the way that you communicate and interact with people.

Þ which will enable you to start practicing immediately after completion.



By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

Þ Explain the importance of Emotional Intelligence (EI) to HR professionals and apply simple techniques to develop their emotional quotients

Þ Deliver balanced and well structured public speeches with ease and confidence after learning how to deal with public speaking anxiety and subduing its effects

Þ Describe the differences between influencing and persuading and use best techniques in applying them in HR work related situations

Þ Apply effective creative problem solving techniques that will help them make the right decisions at work

Þ List the main differences between finance and accounting

Þ Use various budgeting techniques and apply them immediately in HR related scenarios


Who Should Attend?

The course is appropriate for Human resources professionals or those who are about to start a career in HR as administrators, officers or specialists. The program is also beneficial for experienced officers and managers in HR who wish to update their knowledge and skills about the latest techniques in the various behavioral competencies.


Course Methodology

The course uses self-assessments and a wide mix of business cases that promote healthy discussions around the importance of managing multiple tasks, deadlines and priorities. Participants will benefit from role plays covering workplace challenges related to handling tasks, deadlines and priorities. They will learn how to deal with conflicts that may arise as a result. Interactive team exercises are also used with each team presenting their findings and comments.  

Each module covers different aspects of using Game-Based Learning and Gamification in education. Coursework will incorporate your existing knowledge and experience and provide helpful learning environment with a good mix of theoretical and practical knowledge. On all outlines will apply Skills for Game-Based Learning and Gamification and practiced in hands-on, collaborative way within an international group setting.


This interactive training course includes the following training methodologies as a percentage of the total tuition hours:

  • 30% Lectures, Concepts, Role Play
  • 30% Workshops & Work Presentations, Techniques
  • 20% Based on Case Studies & Practical Exercises
  • 20% Videos, Software & General Discussions

Pre and Post Test



DAY 1:Emotional intelligence (EI): the base for honing HR professional competencies

Þ Definition of emotional intelligence

Þ Self awareness and self management

Þ The importance of EI for HR professionals

Þ Developing EI competencies

Þ Daily applications in the HR environment

DAY 2: Public speeches and presentations

Þ Purpose and objectives, different types

Þ Structure of presentations

Þ The three 's' rule

Þ The skeleton of an effective speech

Þ Powerful openings

Þ Previews and transitions

Þ Substance or key points

Þ Reviews and closing

Þ Supporting your speech

Þ Public speaking anxiety and how to deal with it

Þ Style of presenting

Þ Body positioning, hand movement, eye contact, dress and appearance

Þ Mannerisms, verbal tics, verbal variety and pauses


DAY 3 :  Persuasion and influencing

Þ Definition of persuasion and influencing

Þ Steven Covey's circle of influence and circle of concern

Þ HR application of persuasion and influencing

Þ The different techniques of influence and persuasion

Þ Use of techniques for different business and HR situations




DAY 4 : Creative problem solving and decision making

Scanning, analysis, responses and assessment

Þ The problem solving cycle

Þ Creative problem solving: methods and overcoming barriers

Þ Link between problem solving and decision making

Þ The 6 step process to decision making

Þ Understanding accounting & finance

Þ Accounting versus finance

Þ Accounting: recording and reporting

Þ Finance: analysis and decision making


DAY 5 : Understanding financial statements

Þ Income statements, balance sheets and the cash flow statement

Þ Performance measurement

Þ Trend analysis

Þ Common size financial statements

Þ Techniques of operational budgeting

Þ Importance of budgeting

Þ Methods of budgeting

Þ Incremental budgets

Þ Zero based budgeting

Þ Participative budgeting

Þ Budgets as a control mechanism



The Fee for the seminar, including instruction materials, documentation, lunch, coffee/tea breaks & snack is: 3.750 USD $



08:30 – 10:15 First Session

10:15 – 10:30 Coffee Break

10:30 – 12:15 Second Session

12:15 – 12:30 Coffee Break

12:30 – 14:00 Third Session


June 04- June 08\ 2023                          : Kuwait

June 04 - June 08 \ 2023                       : Dubai 

September 03- September 07\ 2023   :Amman

October 01-October 05\2023              : Dubai

November05-November05\2023       : Dubai



This Employee Relations and Engagement training course examines the latest best practice in Employee Relationship Management. Employee Relationship Management involves managing the relationship of each employee with the organisation and with each other. Employee Relations influences every HR decision made in an organisation.

The techniques in this training course will enable the creation of a working environment in which all staff are able to contribute their full potential. This will involve creating a supportive and trusting climate at work and ensuring that individual and collective ER issues are handled positively and sensitively.

The main features of this Employee Relations and Engagement training course are:

Ü Shows how to create a working culture that encourages close working relationships

Ü Establishes a policy for employee engagement – increasing employees commitment to an organisation and encouraging loyalty and productivity

Ü Drawing the distinction between job satisfaction and employee engagement; it is not just about making employees happy at work, it is about getting them to contribute

Ü Identifying causes of conflict at work and overcoming them

Ü Examples and case studies showing how to effectively handle workplace discipline and grievances



At this program's conclusion, participants should be able to:

Þ now how to introduce and manage an effective employee relationship programme

Þ Be able to relate the role of ER to the role of the Managers / Supervisor and Team Leader

Þ Be able to deal with performance problems and modify the behaviour of employees

Þ Be able to influence the behaviour of managers and team leaders

Þ Be able to operate disciplinary procedures and grievance procedure

Þ Know how to manage absence

Þ Understand the role of an Employee Assistance programme


This Employee Relations and Engagement training course is designed to develop increased productivity and motivation through the application of best practice in the way that employees are treated by the organisation. Attendance at this training course will benefit:

Ü Employee Relations Specialists

Ü HR and Personnel Professionals

Ü Line Managers

Ü Supervisors and Team Leaders

Ü Commercial management

Ü all others who are involved in the acquisition of materials or equipment, or the management of suppliers and contractors delivering services.


Course Methodology

The course uses self-assessments and a wide mix of business cases that promote healthy discussions around the importance of managing multiple tasks, deadlines and priorities. Participants will benefit from role plays covering workplace challenges related to handling tasks, deadlines and priorities. They will learn how to deal with conflicts that may arise as a result. Interactive team exercises are also used with each team presenting their findings and comments.  

Each module covers different aspects of using Game-Based Learning and Gamification in education. Coursework will incorporate

your existing knowledge and experience and provide helpful learning environment with a good mix of theoretical and practical knowledge. On all outlines will apply Skills for Game-Based Learning and Gamification and practiced in hands-on, collaborative way within an international group setting.


This interactive training course includes the following training methodologies as a percentage of the total tuition hours:

  • 30% Lectures, Concepts, Role Play
  • 30% Workshops & Work Presentations, Techniques
  • 20% Based on Case Studies & Practical Exercises
  • 20% Videos, Software & General Discussions

Pre and Post Test



DAY 1:

The Core Role of Employee Relations

Þ The Context

Þ Change Management

Þ Understanding the Rationale of ER

Þ The Core Role of ER: Organisational Culture; Employee Engagement; Conflict Resolution; Workplace Investigations; Employee Discipline

Þ The Distinction between the Role of ER and the Role of the Manager

Þ The Impact on Policies and Procedures

Þ The Psychological Contract

DAY 2: 

The ER Function in Practice

Þ Communications

Þ Team Briefing

Þ Consultation

Þ Discipline - Gross Misconduct

Þ Discipline - Poor Performance

Þ Appeals

Þ Handling Sickness Absence

DAY 3: 

Supporting the Manager, Supervisor or Team


Þ Grievances

Þ Conducting the Grievance Interview

Þ Management’s Right to Manage

Þ Equal Opportunities

Þ Discrimination

Þ Equality and Diversity

Þ Harassment and Bullying

Þ Motivation


DAY 4 :

Managing Employee Performance and


Þ The Performance Management Process

Þ Motivation and Goal Theory

Þ Giving Feedback and Coaching

Þ Informal Participative Decision-making Programmes

Þ Job Enrichment

Þ Self Managed Work Teams

Þ Quality Circles and Kaizen

Þ Formal and Informal Consultation Programmes

Þ Employee Assistance Programmes

DAY 5 :

Conflict Resolution - Documentation and Software

Þ Getting the Best from People

Þ Techniques for Resolving Conflict

Þ Conflict Management Programmes

Þ The Ground Rules

Þ Workplace Investigations

Þ The Importance of Good Records – consider cloud-based software

Þ Personal Development Planning


The Fee for the seminar, including instruction materials, documentation, lunch, coffee/tea breaks & snack is:

 3,750 USD$




08:30 – 10:15 First Session

10:15 – 10:30 Coffee Break

10:30 – 12:15 Second Session

12:15 – 12:30 Coffee Break

12:30 – 14:00 Third Session



June  18 —June  22 \ 2023                 : Dubai 

September 03 – September 07 \ 2023 : Kuwait

October 02 – October 06 \ 2023         : Dubai       

November 06 – November 10 \ 2023 : Kuwait



من الأخطاء الشائعة التي يقع فيها مديري الموارد البشرية، التركيز على الوفاء بالاحتياجات من العمالة في الأجل القصير، أكثر من العمالة في الأجل الطويل، فهذا المدخل غير الإستراتيجي يجعل المنظمة تواجه مفاجآت مؤلمة في توفير العمالة من حيث العدد والخصائص، ويجعل مدير إدارة الموارد البشرية مضطرا للتعامل مع مجموعة من الأزمات المتتالية. وهو مدخل غير فعال يجعل المنظمة تتصرف بالاعتماد على أسلوب رد الفعل، وهذا البرنامج ما هو إلا محاولة لتقديم إستراتيجية متقدمة نابعة من الاتجاهات الحديثة لعمليات الاختيار والتوظيف والاستقطاب، وعرض لنظم إنشاء لائحة العقوبات والجزاءات التأديبية.



اهداف البرنامج


Ü اكتساب القدرة على تطوير الموارد البشرية من خلال الاهتمام بالأساليب الحديثة لعمليات الاختيار والتعيين والتوظيف.

Ü التعرف على أحدث آليات وسائل عمل الموارد البشرية والتعرف على أفضل الممارسات في تقييم وتقويم الأداء.

Ü تغيير اتجاهات المشاركين والمشاركات نحو فعالية الأداء وكفاءة التفكير.

Ü تصميم القواعد الأساسية والرئيسية للائحة العقوبات والجزاءات بصورة فعالة.

Ü إعداد خطط التميز في أداء إدارة الموارد البشرية بما يتناسب مع معايير الجودة الشاملة.


الفئات المستهدفة


Ü مسؤولي التدريب والموارد البشرية والتطوير الإداري في كافة الوزارات والمؤسسات والهيئات.

Ü المدربين وضباط التدريب والمنسقين.

Ü المدراء ورؤساء الأقسام.

Ü موظفي إدارة الموارد البشرية.

Ü المهتمين بشئون التدريب والتوظيف.

Ü المهتمين بشؤون القانونية والتحقيقات.

Ü كل من يجد في نفسه الحاجة لهذه الدورة ويرغب بتطوير مهاراته وخبراته.


منهجية التدريب

يعمل المشاركون على رفع الكفاءات من خلال مجموعة متنوعة من الطرق التعليمية التي تشمل محاضرة يلقيها ممارس واستشاري ذوا خبرة  وتمارين  إضافة إلى

Ü حلقات النقاش.

Ü العصف الذهني.

Ü مجموعات عمل.

Ü تبادل أدوار.

Ü حالات عملية وتطبيقية.

Ü العرض

 المحاور العلمية 

 اليوم الاول

 مفاهيم هامة في إدارة الموارد البشرية:

Ü مقدمة

Ü دور الموارد البشرية في المنظمات المعاصرة

Ü الموارد البشرية كرأس مال فكري فعال

Ü أهمية الموارد البشرية كمدخل تنافسي لاتفاقيات الجهات

Ü أهم الاتجاهات الحديثة في ممارسات إدارة الموارد البشرية


اليوم الثاني

تخطيط الموارد البشرية:

ماهية تخطيط الموارد البشرية

أهداف تخطيط الموارد البشرية

الهيكل التنظيمي الحديث لبيانات تخطيط الموارد البشرية

الأساليب المتقدمة في التنبؤ بالاحتياجات من العمالة

الإطار المتكامل لتخطيط الموارد البشرية


اليوم الثالث

Ü   الأسس المتقدمة في الاختيار والتوظيف:

Ü الأسس الموضوعية لتحديد عمليات الاختيار والتوظيف

Ü المراحل الأساسية لعمليات الاختيار والتوظيف

Ü المعايير الحديثة الواجبة في عمليات الاختيار والتوظيف

Ü الأهمية العملية والعلمية لتحليل الوظائف في عمليات التعيين والتوظيف

Ü طرق إعداد ومراجعة الوصف الوظيفي والمهارات اللازمة لشغل الوظائف والاختيار

Ü الأليات الحديثة لعمليات الاختيار والتوظيف والاستقطاب


 اليوم الرابع

التعويضات المالية والنظم التأديبية:

Ü مقدمة

Ü الأساليب التقليدية لتقييم الوظائف وتحديد الأجور

Ü الطرق الحديثة الإحصائية الفعالة لعمليات تقييم الوظائف وتحديد الأجور

Ü المعايير والمؤشرات المتقدمة اللازم توافرها في تنظيم لائحة العقوبات والجزاءات

Ü النظرة القانونية الحديثة لنظم العقوبات والجزاءات (النظم التأديبية)

Ü الإطار المتكامل لأسس ومعايير النظم التأديبية

اليوم الخامس

Ü الإستراتيجيات المتقدمة لإنهاء الخدمة:

Ü المقصود بإنهاء الخدمة

Ü الأسباب الرئيسية والمختلفة لإنهاء الخدمة

Ü الطرق الحديثة للتعامل مع عملية إنهاء الخدمة

Ü معايير الجودة ونظم الأيزو في تحديد أساليب إنهاء الخدمة

Ü الصيغة النهائية المتكاملة لعمليات إنهاء الخدمة

Ü دور إدارة الموارد البشرية بعد إتمام عمليات إنهاء الخدمة


التكاليف المالية

التكاليف الخاصة بالدورة و تشمل : المحاضرات العملية ، الغداء ، استراحة شاي وقهوة ووجبة خفيفة :





08:30 – 10:15 First Session

10:15 – 10:30 Coffee Break

10:30 – 12:15 Second Session

12:15 – 12:30 Coffee Break

12:30 – 14:00 Third Session